Alexis D'Tocqueville

Alexis D'Tocqueville
Observer of America

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Beginning

First of all , welcome to my blog!

This is a new adventure for me , as I have never tried blogging before. Though I am late to the game , I am excited about giving this a try and sharing my thoughts about politics , liberty , and economics here with all of you who share the same interests. Although these may seem disparate subjects , as you know, all of these are intertwined and interrelated.

A very brief bit about my own journey is seen in my profile " about me" segment. As time goes on , I will sparingly interject my own thoughts and opinions about the subject matter of my blog , but rather than trying to re-invent the wheel it is my intention to post here articles and subject matter already addressed by the giants in these respective areas. These men and women of throughout the ages have already expressed these ideas far more capably than I ever could. I think it is wisdom to let them do the teaching , while my object will be , for the most part , to merely present them to you here for your edification.

Here you will find free e-books , links , and video on various subjects related to politics , liberty , and economics. I will certainly be engaged in writing about my own impressions of these things , of current events , and in reply to your comments. I look forward to your comments and input here and hope that we can have some interesting , informative and lively discussions here.

Lastly , all are welcome here. The exchange of differing ideas is what makes life interesting ; though I am of a classical liberal mind-set , I am very much welcoming of my "liberal" friends of the "left", with the hope that I can teach you a thing or two to bring you around to the right way of thinking! Still , in the interest of being "fair and balanced" , among the links here you will find one to my sister's blog " They Get Letters". Julie is what I call "A flaming liberal" , but I still love her...and even agree with many of her views!

Warning: Julie can sometimes be very colorful with her language (viz. , she sometimes swears like a drunken sailor!).

With this said , let the beginning begin!

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